Place a Genealogy Service Request
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By submitting this request, you are requesting contact from our Director of Genealogy. We find that telephone communication works best, so please indicate a time (& time zone) that is best for you.

When you talk with our Director, she will want to know your goals for the research and all the relevant family information. Once you return the contract we send to you, genealogical research typically takes 4-6 weeks to complete, depending on the size of the project.

Please call 1-800-813-1049 for pricing and details.


City: State:Zip:
Phone: (H) Phone: (W)
Email:Make sure your email address is entered correctly. 
Best time to contact you:
*We do predominantly American genealogy- where you are doesn't matter.
Choose the type of service you seek:

I certify that I am at least 18 years of age and am able to enter into a business contract.

I understand that I am requesting professional genealogical research which will cost money, if I decide to authorize research to be done based on the goals and pricing my contract will specify.

If you have questions about the process of hiring us to do your genealogy, please call The American History Company at (540) 710-9470 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time.

Return to: The Genealogy Department


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